Game Fair Gardens Legacy
When planning The Game Fair Gardens, it was important to everyone involved that it leaves a legacy. The following local charities and schools will benefit from some of the planting and structures you can see in the Gardens:
• Birchwood Avenue Primary School, Hatfield
• Countess Anne School, Hatfield
• Earthworks, St Albans
• Harington Scheme, Highgate
• Mudlarks, Hertford
• Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice, Barnet
• The Ryde School, Hatfield
On Thursday 18th July two of the three local primary schools came to visit the garden which has been designed and built by Capel Manor College in collaboration with the Game Fair and Hatfield House.
The three primary schools will receive two raised wooden planters which will be utilised by their gardening clubs. The Ryde and Countess Anne were given a guided tour by Andrew Turvey, the Head of Park and Gardens at Hatfield House. The tours were hugely rewarding for Andrew as the children asked lots of questions challenging his plant identification skills. The young visitors also offered wonderful suggestions for the gardens, including contacting the Guinness Book of World Records to have the garden recorded. We hope that the legacy of the Game Fair Gardens will enthuse and inspire children of our local schools.