Our Rainbow
“Non sine sole iris”
For over 400 years rainbows have filled Hatfield House. From light reflecting through the windows to symbolism in paintings. The most famous painting is ‘The Rainbow Portrait’ painted in around the 1600s.
This iconic portrait of Queen Elizabeth I is full of symbolism. The motto: Non sine sole iris (no rainbow without sun) refers to Elizabeth I as the bringer of peace. In her hand, she is holding a rainbow – a message of hope.
Rainbows by definition are ‘a curved band of different colours that appear in the sky when the sunshine’s through the rain’ – a symbol of hope even in the stormiest of times.
Today, we look to rainbows to celebrate our wonderful NHS and front line heroes. At home, we are all decorating our windows with rainbows to make our neighbours smile, to celebrate our brilliant key workers and like Elizabeth I, we are sharing the message of hope.